Create a macro

When creating a macro, you must name and define the conditions of the macro before setting the parameters for its execution.

  1. Click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Macros.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Macro Name field, type a name for the new macro.
  4. In the Applies When field, select an event option from the list indicating when you want the macro to execute.

    For example, select Incidents are Saved.

  5. In the Macro Type field, select an action you want the macro to execute. Options include mailing, starting and stopping clocks, executing a RAD function, or evaluating an expression.
  6. Type a Macro Condition that triggers the macro to execute. When this condition evaluates to true, Service Management executes what is defined in the Macro Type field.

    For example, you can notify a specific person when a new incident record is set to priority 1. The condition would look like this: priority in $“1”.

  7. Click Set Parameters to establish the parameters for this macro.

    Note: The available fields in this form vary, depending on the value in the Macro Type field in the edit form for your new macro.

  8. Provide additional information where needed. For example, Construct Message By.
  9. Click Save.

    The macro edit form opens.

  10. Click OK.

    The macro record saves and you are returned to the macro list form. Updating a macro record uses the same edit forms as the creating process.

  11. Click Search from the macro list form to refresh the list of macros.
  12. Click OK in the search dialog box.