File control

Use this control to enable users to launch a File Open dialog box and upload or download files.

To place a file on a form, click File and then click the form.
Be sure to put the name of the database field or variable that you want to associate with this control into the Input property.

Property Usage
Name Specify a unique identifier for the object on the screen. (Optional)

This name is used by external applications, such as RAD, to dynamically change the properties of the object.
X Specify the object’s horizontal position based on the left edge of the object.
Y Specify the object’s vertical position based on the top edge of the object.
Width Specify the width of the object in alignment grid units.
Height Specify the height of the object in alignment grid units.
Visible Select this option to make the object visible on the form. Clear the check box to hide the object from view on the form.
Visible Condition Specify an expression to override the Visible property when that expression evaluates to true.
Input Specify the database field or variable to associate with this control.
Accessible Name Specify a component name for use with accessibility software. (Optional)

Note: This function is only supported by the Web client.

If no name is present, the Web client defaults to looking for a nearby label to use for the name of the component. For buttons, check boxes, or radio buttons, it uses the component’s text. Accessibility software can query the Web client to get this information and use it to present data to the user in a variety of ways. For example, speech simulation software says the name and the type of component when the component has focus.
Accessible Description Specify a component description for use with accessibility software. (Optional)

Note: This function is only supported by the Web client.

If no description is present, the Web client defaults to looking for a nearby label to use for the name of the component. For buttons, check boxes, or radio buttons, the Web client will use the component’s text. Accessibility software can query the Web client to get this information, and use it to present it to the user in a variety of ways. For example, when a component gets focus, speech simulation software will say the name and the type of component, based on the settings in the Accessible Name and Accessible Description fields.
Tab Stop Specify the tab sort order for this field. By default, the TAB key navigates the focus on a form from top to bottom and left to right. Objects that have a non-zero Tab Stop are visited first, in ascending order. For a button, file, radio button or check box, you will almost always use the default of 0.
Mandatory Select this option so that a red asterisk indicating a required field is displayed. This is a visible change only.
- To make the field mandatory for any form it appears on, use the System Definition Utility.
- To make the field mandatory for a small number of forms only, use Format Control.
Mandatory Condition Specify an expression to override the Mandatory property when that expression evaluates to true.
Transfer direction Specify whether you want the user to be able to download or upload the file. The default is download.
Note: If you do not have the transfer direction set properly, the user will get an error message and will not be able to upload/download the file. For example, if pressing the Specify File button gets the following error message, "File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given.", you may need to change the transfer direction from upload to download.
File Directory Specify the absolute path to a directory. For example, c:/temp. If no directory is specified, the Service Management RUN directory defaults.
File Type Specify the MIME–type of the file the File Open dialog prompts for. For example, .txt for text files. If no MIME type is specified, the default is All Files (*.*).
Title Specify the name of the file you want to transfer.