Create the sales file

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To create the sales file:

  1. Log in to the Service Management Windows client.
  2. Click Tailoring > Forms Designer.
  3. In the Form field, type sales, and then click Search.
  4. Go to the Detail menu to create a file. Either right-click in the sales form or select the Detail menu button in the top right corner, and then select Create File.
  5. Type sales as the filename, and then click OK.

    If the file name is already prepopulated with "sales," click OK to confirm.

    This creates a valid "sales" file. The database dictionary file (dbdict record) generates automatically and displays in the System Definition Utility, with the exception of the No Nulls key for the location field. It becomes the target file for your subform when it appears on other forms.

  6. Click the Fields and Keys tab to see field definitions and keys. It contains one key on field "code," which is a type "unique."
  7. In the Keys section, click New.

    The General section is displayed.

  8. In the Type field of the General section, select No nulls, and then click Add.
  9. Select location, and then click OK.
  10. Click Save.

    A warning appears, stating that the pending changes in the keys definitions for this dbdict record require a tableregen.

  11. Click OK, and then close the System Definition Utility window.

The main sales data form and file are now complete.