Service Management WSDL files

You can view the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for any Service Management Web Service by navigating to one of the following URLs:

Version URL Supports
Backwards compatibility for
ServiceCenter 6.2 servlet mode
http://<servername>:<port_number>/sc62server/PWS/<service_name>.wsdl MIME attachments
Service Management http://<servername>:<port_number>/SM/7/<service_name>.wsdl MTOM attachments

For example, type http://myserver:13080/SM/7/IncidentManagement.wsdl to view the Incident Management service WSDL from myserver.

The server also responds to requests with ?WSDL as the file extension. For example, http://myserver:13080/SM/7/IncidentManagement?wsdl

The Service Management server automatically generates a WSDL whenever it receives an HTTP get request for WSDL. Service Management WSDLs use XML Schema definitions to describe literal Web Services. Service Management is able to serve two different versions of the WSDL for a given service:

  • ServiceCenter 6.2 WSDL files for backwards compatibility. The API described in these WSDL files is deprecated. See the ServiceCenter 6.2 documentation for more information.
  • Service Management WSDL . New applications should use this WSDL.

Note To avoid receiving the "Invalid XML schema: Element <xs:import> is not allowed at this location under element <xs:schema>" error when viewing any multiple object WSDL (for example, ConfigurationManagement.wsdl), disable the validation in the SOAP tool you are using before loading the WSDL and creating a Web Service request.

The XML document which describes a particular Service Manager record (such as a Change or Incident) is wrapped in an outer document called a "model". The model is nothing more than a container for separating the actual data (the “instance” part) from the "keys" part, which is metadata about the fields that make up the primary key of the object.