Web Services with a proxy server

It is possible to consume Web Services through a proxy server in Service Management. The proxy server settings allow your Service Manager server to connect to remote sites and download the WSDL for the remote Web Services. The following parameters have to be added to the sm.ini file for the Web service to connect through a proxy server.

  • JVMOptionX:-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyserver.domain.company.com
  • JVMOptionY:-Dhttp.proxyPort=<port number, 8088>

You can also specify a list of hosts to bypass the proxy:


The http.nonProxyHosts property indicates the hosts which should connect directly and not through the proxy server. The value can be a list of hosts, each separated by a |, and in addition a wildcard character (*) can be used for matching.

The X, Y and Z represent three consecutive numbers. The first JVMOption in the sm.ini will be number 1, the next will be number 2 and 3 etc. If these three are the only JVMOptions in your sm.ini, they will be:

  • JVMOption1:-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyserver.domain.company.com
  • JVMOption2:-Dhttp.proxyPort=<port number, e.g. 8088>
  • JVMOption3:-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="*.domain.company.com|localhost"