Run a trace

If you receive an error message, use the following to trace the error to get more detail on the message you receive. You can also run a trace when the wizard flow does not take the expected path.

To run a trace, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the RTM:3 and debugdbquery:999 parameters in the ITSMA Service Management sm.ini file.
  2. Start a new client connection.

    For complete details, see the instructions in the Diagnostics and Tuning white paper.

  3. Within the trace, search for the first call to the RAD application.
  4. Next, follow the flow of the wizard, checking the dbquery statements against the wizard table to see which wizard is called next.
  5. Follow the trace to the error message if one was received, or follow the trace to understand which path the application took through the wizard flow.
  6. Use print statements in the JavaScript expressions within the wizard panels, to write additional information to the log file. For example, the content of variables that will influence which wizard will be run next or statements as to which wizard is executed at the time.

    Note Remember to remove these debug statements before putting the wizard into production.