Create an incident category

Applies to User Roles:

The system uses categories as a way of classifying events such as incidents, interactions, complaints, and requests. Categories include a group of associated elements such as assignment group, formats, and alerts. As an Administrator, you can add additional categories to the out-of-box list of categories.

To add a new category:

  1. Click Incident Management > Tools > Categories.
  2. Type a unique name in the Category Name field.
  3. Edit or fill in the remaining fields that you need to complete the new record.
  4. Complete the Format fields with the applicable formats. Open, Update, and Close are required.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click OK.

Note: The Category utility automatically copies data from the source category record and the HPE Service Manager default values. Incident Management stores all category-specific data in the middle structure of the problem dbdict. All fields on your new category form must have matching data fields in the problem dbdict. Do not set the input control to a field that is not defined in the problem dbdict.