Administer > System Configuration Parameters > Client parameters for Web clients > Web parameter: enableListFrameStateRetain

Web parameter: enableListFrameStateRetain

Web parameters change the behavior of the web clients that connect to the web tier. You can set some of these parameters from the web client login URL, some from the web tier configuration file (web.xml), and some from both.




This parameter enables the list detail page to retain the expand-collapse state of the List Pane when the list detail page refreshes. If you set this parameter to false, the List Pane is always in expanded state once the list detail page refreshes.

Note With enableListFrameStateRetain enabled, if you open a page ("destination page") from an existing page ("source page") and the two pages have the same file name (for example, ocmq), the expand/collapse state of the list frame in the source page is not retained when you return to it.

Valid if set from

Web tier configuration file (web.xml)

Requires restart of the web applications server?


Default value


Possible values

true (Retain the expand-collapse state of the List Pane)

false (Do not retain the expand-collapse state of the List Pane)

Example usage
