Web parameter: tracesoap

Web parameters change the behavior of the web clients that connect to the web tier. You can set some of these parameters from the web client login URL, some from the web tier configuration file (web.xml), and some from both.




This parameter defines whether to log SOAP information in the Web server. If you add the tracesoap=true parameter to the web browser URL when you log in, all request/response SOAP messages during the current session are logged until you log out or the session expires.

The SOAP information is logged in the web server. By default, it is logged in the sm.log file located in the web server's home directory. For example, C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\sm.log. The SOAP message logging is defined in WEB-INF/log4j.properties as follows:

log4j.logger.TraceSoap=ALL, R

Note By default, the logging level is “ALL”. It is recommended that you NOT change this setting. The root logger level setting in log4j.properties has no effect on the SOAP logging level. For example, no matter the root logger level is info, warn, or error, Service Manager always logs SOAP messages in the Web server.

SOAP messages are logged with a "DEBUG" prefix, as in the following examples:

DEBUG http-8080-4 TraceSoap - request:
DEBUG http-8080-4 TraceSoap - response:

Valid if set from

Web browser URL

Requires restart of the web applications server?


Default value


Possible values

true or false

Example usage


Note: This parameter is valid only when set at login, and once set at login it will remain valid until you log out or the session times out.