Use > Incident Management > Incident Management workflows and user tasks > Close an opened task for an incident record

Close an opened task for an incident record

Applies to User Roles:

Incident Coordinator
Incident Manager
Incident Analyst

If an incident record has opened tasks, you can close them by using the Close Task feature.

Note You cannot close a high priority (priority is High or Critical) incident task if this incident task is not in the Review phase.

To close an opened task for an incident record:

  1. Click Incident Management > Search Incidents, enter your search criteria, and then click Search.
  2. Select an incident and then select the Tasks tab.

    A task list appears if this change contains opened tasks.

  3. Double-click the task that you want to close.
  4. Provide necessary information for task completion.
  5. Click Close Task.

  6. Enter the Completion Code and Task Outcome, and then click Finish.

Note You can add parts and labor costs tracking to an incident, problem, change, or request or to any associated task of a record. To do this, navigate to the Cost tab, specify the currency, and then specify the date, part number, and quantity for any parts used.  Alternatively, specify the date, technician name (used to derive the rate from the operator record), and hours worked for any labor. Service Manager will automatically calculate and roll up costs from any sub tasks into the Total cost field on the Costs tab.

The opened task is now closed:

  • The status of the opened task is set to Closed.
  • The task is moved to the Closure phase.
  • The Completion Code is set to the value you provided.