What is an approval type?

An approval type is a type of approval required for an approval definition record in the ApprovalDef table. The following table describes the approval types in the out-of-box system.

Type Description
All must approve

All members of the group must approve the request.

Note This is the default value when no approval type is specified for an approval definition.

One must approve Only one member must approve the request.
Quorum A majority of the approval group must approve the request.
All must approve - immediate denial

All approvers must approve the request. The first denial causes the status to change to Deny. Other approvers do not need to take any action.

One must approve by sequence approval level

When this option is selected, the following behavior applies:

  • When a sequence is defined with a group of approvers, if one approver approves the request, the entire sequence is approved and the request is passed to the next sequence for approval. Only when all sequences are approved, the request is approved.
  • Only when all approvers for a sequence have denied the request, the entire sequence is denied. If one sequence is denied, the request is denied.