Get started > Clients > Web clients > Web client keyboard shortcuts

Web client keyboard shortcuts

This section introduces keyboard shortcuts for the HPE Service Manager web client.

Keyboard shortcuts for general operations

You can customize these Service Manager web client keyboard shortcuts from the shortcut.xml configuration file. By default, most of the web client shortcuts use the Alt key plus a character to produce a combined keystroke.

The following table shows the default actions assigned to the keystrokes, but your own browser may override these actions.

Area Keyboard shortcut Name in shortcut.xml Action
Navigation through sections Alt+Ctrl+N keyNavigator Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the navigator
Alt+Ctrl+M keyMainContent Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the main content pane
Alt+Ctrl+L keyList Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the list pane (when the current page is a list-detail page)
Ctrl+Alt+D keyDetail Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the detail pane (when the current page is a list-detail page)
Alt+Q keyTabSections

Navigate through the following panes (not including the toolbar buttons):

  • Navigator + main content pane
  • Navigator + list pane + detail pane (if the active tab page is a list-detail record list)

Note When you navigate from one pane to another by pressing Alt+Q, the focused element in the original pane is remembered. When you return to the original pane by pressing Alt+Q again, the focus is set on the remembered element. If no element in the original pane was focused, the focus is set on the frame window of the pane. However, if the original pane is refreshed, the focus is set on the first element of the navigator pane or the frame window of the main content pane, list pane, or detail pane.

Alt+Ctrl+H keyFocusTabHeader

Move the focus to the header of the current active tab

Alt+Ctrl+T keyCloseActiveTab

Close the current active tab

Note You cannot use this shortcut to close the first To-Do queue tab.

Navigation Menu Left/Right Arrow NavMenu.LRArrows.Key Expand or collapse an item in the navigator
Space NavMenu.Space.Key Expand or collapse an item or a panel in the navigator
Up/Down Arrow NavMenu.UDArrow.Key Move through the items in the navigator
Alt+1 keyManageFav Open the Manage Favorites pane
Alt+2 keyAddListFav Add a favorite that links to the current list
Alt+3 keyAddDetailFav Add a favorite that links to the current record
Alt+N keyCollapseExpandNav Switch the System Navigator between the expanded mode and the collapsed mode
Ctrl+Page Up/Down NavMenu.Ctrl+PageUpDown.Key Navigate to the previous or next page of a non-grouped record list
Up/Down+Enter NavMenu.UpDownEnter.Key Select a row and drill down to the row in a record list
Enter NavMenu.Enter.Key
  • Drill down to the link
  • Select the current row and then move the focus to the drill-down link of the row
Record list Space Recordlist.Space.Key Select or deselects a record
Up/Down Arrow Recordlist.UDArrow.Key Move the focus through the rows and the focused row is selected by default
Left/Right Arrow Recordlist.LRArrow.Key

Expand or collapse a group in a list

Tip Press the Right arrow key to open the column header context menu for a table column header

Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow Recordlist.CtrlUDArrow.Key Move the focus through the rows but keep the selection state of the other rows
Shift+Up/Down Arrow Recordlist.ShiftUDArrow.Key Select multiple rows successively
Enter Recordlist.Enter.Key Drill down to the current focused row
Home/End Recordlist.HomeEnd.Key Move the focus to the first or last cell of the row when the focus is on a cell in a row
Ctrl+Home/End Recordlist.CtrlHomeEnd.Key
  • Move the focus to the first or last cell in the current table in a non-grouped record list
  • Move the focus to the first or last group node in a grouped record list
Alt+U keyToggleList Expand or collapse the List Pane in a list detail page
Detail Form Alt+J keyJumpAddress
  • Move the focus to the drop-down list
  • Expand or collapse the drop-down list
Alt+C keySpellCheck Open the Speck Check utility
F1 functionKeyHelp View help on field
F2 functionKeyMagnify Expand a scrollable text field by opening a separate window that magnifies the text for easier viewing and editing
Table in the detail form Home/End Recordlist.HomeEnd.Key Move the focus to the first or last cell of the row when the focus is on a cell in a row
Ctrl + Home/End Recordlist.CtrlHomeEnd.Key Move the focus to the first or last cell in the current table
Collaboration Alt+Ctrl+C   Open or close the conversation window
Alt+Ctrl+V keySmcNotification Open or close the Notification panel
Alt+Ctrl+B keySmcChatRequest Open or close the Chat Request panel
Smart Search Alt+Ctrl+S keyOpenSmartSearch Open the Smart Search Dialog
Alt+Ctrl+U keyOpenQuickSearch Open the Context Aware Search panel
Alt+Ctrl+1 keySmartSearchMainTopRegion Move the focus to the Smart Search Editor on the Smart Search dialog
Alt+Ctrl+2 keySmartSearchMainLeftRegion Move the focus to the first library of the library list on the Smart Search dialog
Alt+Ctrl+3 keySmartSearchMainRightRegion Move the focus to the first search result on the Smart Search dialog
  Miscellaneous Alt+Ctrl+A keyAlertWindow Open or close the alert window
Alt+G keyMessages Open or close the Messages and Alerts window
Alt+P keyPrint
  • Print the current page content
  • Print the current record when the current page is a list-detail page
Alt+Ctrl+P keyPrintList
  • Print the current page content
  • Print the list when the current page is a list-detail page
Alt+O keyAbout Open the About HPE Software window and display the installed HPE Service Manager components
Alt+R keyRefresh

Refresh the current screen

Note Do not refresh Service Manager screens by refreshing your browser. Instead, use the Service ManagerRefresh button or shortcut (Alt+R).

Alt+L keyLogout Open the logout dialogue
Alt+Ctrl+/ keyShortcut Show or hide system keyboard shortcut list

Keyboard shortcuts for date picker

The Service Manager web client provides a date picker widget that assists you to input date and time. The following table shows the keyboard shortcuts for the date picker widget.

Keyboard shortcut Action
Esc Close the date picker widget without selection
Enter Choose the highlighted date
Shift+Enter Choose today
Left Arrow Previous day
Right Arrow Next day
Up Arrow Previous week
Down Arrow Next week
Shift+Left Arrow Previous month
Shift+Right Arrow Next month
Shift+Up Arrow Previous year
Shift+Down Arrow Next year
Tab Switch focus between date and time
Down Arrow (when the focus is on the time field in the date picker widget) Open the time list
Enter (when time list is open) Choose highlighted time

Keyboard shortcuts for list builder

The list builder widget allows you to construct a list of choices. The following table shows the keyboard shortcuts for the list builder widget.

Keyboard shortcut Action

Left Arrow

Right Arrow

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Select items in the list builder

Shift+Left Arrow

Shift+Right Arrow

Move the selected item to the left or right column

Shift+Up Arrow

Shift+Down Arrow

Move the selected item up or down in the right column