Create a new contract terms and conditions record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can create contract terms and conditions records to use with your contract templates. If you add a new contract or update an existing contract, you can choose an applicable set of terms and conditions from the list of available records.

To create a new contract terms and conditions record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Contracts > Terms and Conditions.
  2. Select from the Contract Type list to choose an applicable contract type. You can choose from the following contract types:

    • Lease
    • Maintenance
    • Software
    • Support
    • Warranty

    Note If you want the new terms or conditions to apply to all contract types, leave the Contract Type field blank.

  3. Type a brief description in the Term/Condition field.
  4. Click Add.

Configuration Management generates a unique internal system ID for the new contract terms and conditions record. This value is displayed in the Internal System ID field.