Duplicate an existing record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Example: Add a new record to the contacts table that is a near duplicate of an existing record. For this example, all information except the Primary Configuration item (CI) and Contact Name will be the same.

To duplicate an existing record:

  1. Open the form in Database Manager. For this example, open the contacts form.
  2. Select the contacts file from the record list.

    A blank contacts record opens.

  3. Click Search.
  4. Select CHAN, TERESA from the returned list.
  5. Select the Business tab.
  6. Type a new name in the Contact Name field.

    For this example, type BUTLER, RICHARD.

  7. Enter a new Primary Configuration Item for this record.
  8. Delete the Employee ID.

    Add your own at this point, or leave this field blank.

  9. Click Add.

Database Manager adds the record, retains the input from the screen displayed and responds with the following message: Contact Information record added.