Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Database dictionary > Methods for updating database dictionary records > Import RDBMS columns into an existing database dictionary record

Import RDBMS columns into an existing database dictionary record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

This procedure assumes the HPE Service Manager system does not have table create-alter-drop-rights to the RDBMS system, and that you have not already created a database dictionary record for this change. If your system has table create-alter-drop-rights to the RDBMS system, then Service Manager automatically creates any necessary tables, columns, and indexes when you create a database dictionary record. If your Service Manager system does not have RDBMS table create-alter-drop-rights, HPE recommends you create the database dictionary record first and provide DDL to the RDBMS administrator to implement the necessary changes. The Service Manager administrator can then activate the database record when the RDBMS tables and columns become available. This procedure provides an alternative means for you to keep your database dictionary records synchronized with an RDBMS.

In order for Service Manager to successfully import columns into a database dictionary record, the RDBMS tables must have the following features:

  • The table names must be in uppercase
  • The table must be owned by a Service Manager user

To import RDBMS columns into an existing database dictionary record:

  1. Log in to the Service Manager system with a system administrator account.
  2. Click Tailoring > Database Dictionary.
  3. Type the existing database dictionary record name in the Filename field, and then click Search.
    The database dictionary record opens.
  4. Click Import new columns from SQL to have the Service Manager server log in to the RDBMS and check for new columns in the SQL tables defined for the database dictionary record.

    Service Manager automatically displays new columns as fields in the database dictionary record.

    Caution Service Manager only supports importing new columns from main tables.

  5. Click OK to save the database dictionary record.