Mass close interaction records

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

For the out-of-box systems, the ADMIN and SYSADMIN profiles include the Mass Close capability. You can use Mass Close for interaction lists and interaction queues. Choose one of the following methods to mass close interactions.

Mass close interaction records after searching for interactions

To mass close interaction records after searching for interactions:

  1. Click Service Desk > Search Interaction Records.
  2. Use Search to display a list of interaction records.
  3. Select the records in the record list you want to close.
  4. Click Mass Close.
  5. Edit the text present for the resolution of the interaction or accept the text.
  6. Click Finish.

Mass close interaction records from the Interaction Queue

To mass close interaction records from the Interaction Queue:

  1. Click Service Desk > Interaction Queue.
  2. Specify the Queue and the View.
  3. Select the records in the record list you want to close.
  4. Click Mass Close in the More Actions menu.
  5. Specify the Resolution Code. Use the Fill icon to display a list of available codes.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Accept or edit the text in the Resolution text box.
  8. Click Finish.