Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Exporting records > Schedule the unloading of records

Schedule the unloading of records

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To schedule the unloading of records:

  1. Click Tailoring > Database Manager.
  2. Type the form or file name that contains the records to unload, and then click Search.
  3. Select a form, and then click Search again.

    A list of records opens.

  4. Select a record.
  5. Open the More Actions menu and choose Export/Unload.
  6. Fill in optional search criteria.
  7. From the file.prompt.dbu.g form, also known as the unload/export facility, click Schedule.
  8. Fill in the following fields.

    Field Description
    Date/Time to Run Specify the date and time to unload the records.
    Repeat Interval — Enter Number of Days and Time

    Type the number of days, hours. minutes, and seconds to wait before repeating the unload process. Enter the interval with the following format: <Days><Hours>:<Minutes>:<Seconds>

    Note: You can either type in a repeat interval or select one of the pre-defined intervals. Any value you type in this field overrides the pre-defined intervals.

    Repeat Interval — Monthly Select this option to repeat the unload process every once every month from today’s date.
    Repeat Interval — Quarterly Select this option to repeat the unload process every once every quarter from today’s date.
    Repeat Interval — Semi-Annually Select this option to repeat the unload process every once every six months from today’s date.
    Repeat Interval — Annually Select this option to repeat the unload process every once every year from today’s date.

  9. Click Confirm.