Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Record retrieval > Multiple-record functions > Update multiple records using a literal value

Update multiple records using a literal value

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Example:  modifying the Service Contract field value to HPE VIP Service for the contacts records for all advantage employees in North America.

To update multiple records with a literal value:

  1. Log in to the Service Manager Windows client.
  2. Open the contacts form in Database Manager. Ensure that you select the Administration Mode check box.
  3. Enter the desired value in the Company input field. For this example, select advantage from the list.
  4. Enter the desired value in the Location input field. For this example, type North America.
  5. Click Search.

    Service Manager displays all matching records in a record list. If the query produces no matching records, Service Manager displays a message. To display the Mass function buttons, use a query that returns more than one record.

  6. Select Mass Update from the tool bar to start the process of updating the records shown in the record list.
    Database Manager re-displays the initial form with new option buttons.
  7. Select Simple Update from the toolbar.
  8. Enter the desired changes. For this example, select HPE VIP Service from the Service Contract drop-down list.
  9. Click Execute.

    The system returns terminal control to you and displays the newly updated records in the record list, along with the message “nnn records updated in the contacts file”, where nnn is the number of records updated.

The topics below comprise an example of how to use multiple-record functions. Follow the steps in this order. If you skip a step, the example will not work.

  1. Add multiple records using a literal value
  2. Add multiple records using a variable value
  3. Update multiple records using a literal value
  4. Update multiple records using a variable value
  5. Avoid invalid duplicate or null key errors
  6. Delete multiple records