Install > Install the Service Manager web tier > Access Service Manager by using a web client

Access Service Manager by using a web client

To connect to Service Manager by using a browser:

  1. Use the following URLs to access Service Manager from the web tier.
    For <server>, type the name of the web server running the web tier.
    For <port>, type the communications port number used to connect to the web tier.

    • Standard web client: http://<server>:<port>/webtier-9.52/
    • Employee self-service web client: http://<server>:<port>/webtier-9.52/
    • Accessible web client: http://<server>:<port>/webtier-9.52/ The accessible web client does not display a record list detail page.
    • Accessible employee self-service web client: http://<server>:<port>/webtier-9.52/


      You do not need to specify the communications port in the web tier URL if you use the default web server port (port 80). See your web server documentation for instructions on setting the communications port.

  2. Enter the following information:
    • User name and Password: The user name and password that you use to log in to the server


      The login account that you enter must already exist in Service Manager. Service Manager provides an out-of-box login account with System Administrator privileges: System.Admin (with a blank password). HPE recommends that you disable this account or change its password after creating accounts for all of your users. For information about how to create user accounts, see the Service Manager help.

    • Language: The language to use for this session (can differ from the language set on the computer)

  3. Click Log In.


After logging in, do not use the buttons (such as Refresh, Back, and Forward) on your browser toolbar or their keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Left, and Ctrl+Right) to perform Service Manager actions. Instead, use the buttons on the Service Manager user interface.