Composite field mapping

Composite field mapping maps a message element to a OvHD field depending upon the value of a sub-element (key) of the element ExtHDKeyField (OvHD and ExtHD are old terms; in this document, OvHD correspond to HPE Service Manager and ExtHD correspond to SAP Solution Manager). A different value for the key defines mapping to a different Service Manager field. The following is a composite field mapping example.

<CompositeFieldMapping ExtHDField="IctIncidentStatement"
<!-- For exchanging information log -->
<FieldMapping ExtHDField="IctIncidentStatement/Text" >
<!-- for exchanging Solution Provided -->
<FieldMapping ExtHDField="IctIncidentStatement/Text">
<!-- for exchanging CustomText01 (as example) -->
<FieldMapping ExtHDField="IctIncidentStatement/Text" >
<!-- For sending custom fields from OVHD to external HD create an entry as
the example below. Replace the place holder strings as per your
configuration -->
<FieldMapping ExtHDField="IctIncidentStatement/Text" >

Element IctIncidentStatement/Text is mapped to the information log if the key element IctIncidentStatement/TextType is SU99 or to Resolution field if the key element is SU01 (for an incoming message).

This is used when a message has multiple occurrences of the same element that have different sub-element values. The sub-element is referred to as the key field. In the example above the IctIncidentStatement/TextType element is the key field. For a composite field mapping, every instance of FieldMapping has a unique KeyFieldInVal.