Sort the search results

Applies to User Roles:

All users

By default, knowledgebase search results are sorted only by Relevancy in descending order. Once you have completed a knowledgebase search and a list of search results is already displayed, you can specify your preferences to sort the results.

To sort the search results, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Management > Search Knowledgebase.
  2. Perform a search.

    A list of search results is displayed.

    Note The sort options are not available until you have completed a search and a list of search results is already displayed.

  3. Specify the following sort preferences:

    • Sort by multiple fields: If selected (default), sorts the current search results by a combination of these fields in the following order: Modified Date, Status, and Relevancy; If not selected, sorts the current search results by one of the these three fields.
    • Modified Date: When clicked, sorts the current search results by modification date in ascending or descending order. The name of the actual sort field is "sysmodtime" for all out-of-box knowledgebases.
    • Status: When clicked, sorts the current search results by status in ascending or descending order. The actual sort field being used varies with the knowledgebases: "problem.status" for Incident_Library, "open" for Interaction_Library, "status" for Knowledge_Library, and "rcStatus" for both KnownError_Library and Problem_Library.
    • Relevancy: When clicked, sorts the current search results by relevancy in ascending or descending order.