Add a form for Mobile Applications

After you added a new view which enables you to navigate through lists of records, you need to add forms for these records in the List view.

To add a form for the Mobile Applications, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to HPE Service Manager using the Windows client as a System Administrator.
  2. Select the area in the Queue field as you defined in step 4 of To create a new view for the Mobile Applications client, follow these steps:.
  3. Select the view you created in the View field.
  4. Open a record and check which form is used by the record .
  5. Click Tailoring > Forms Designer and search for the form.
  6. Click More Actions > Copy/Rename to copy the form with a mobile suffix. For example, you can copy IM.close.incident to

    Note The form used by a record may vary with different status or phases of that record. You need to add a form for each status or phase respectively. For example, the form associates with an Incident can be either IM.close.incident or IM.update.incident. If you have made any omissions, the Mobile Applications client will automatically synchronize data with the original form in the Service Manager database after you logged on to the system.