JavaScript method: SCRecordList.getPosition()

This method returns the position of the last accessed record in the record list. If there are no records are in the SCRecordList, it returns -1. If there is at least one record and it has not been accessed, the position is set to the first element, which is position 0.




There are no arguments for this method.

Return values

Last position of Datum accessed in record list.

Returns -1 if there are no records in the list.

Returns 0 if list is not yet or the first Datum is the last Datum accessed and the list contains at least one record.


This example does the following:

  • lists the location's position in a record list
  • counts the records in the list

This example requires the following sample data:

  • valid location(s)
  • valid record list with at least one record
var x = new SCRecordList( 'location', new QueryCond('', LIKE, 'a'));

print("Total record in the list: " + x.getCount());

for (i in x ) {
  print(x[i].location_name + " is the " + x.getPosition() + " record in the record list." );