List: RAD routines

This section provides a list of RAD routines, a brief definition of each, and a link to a detailed description of their use.

Routine Description
as.copy Copies an element from one position to another, leaving the original in place.
as.delete Deletes an element from an array. Returns the structure name of the arrayed structure in which the cursor is located.
as.insert Inserts a NULL element.
as.move Moves an element from one position in an array to another by creating a copy and then deleting the original
as.options Displays all available arrayed structure options on the rio (Record Display/Input) Command panel.
as.sort Sorts an arrayed structure based on the contents of a particular field within the arrayed structure.
axces.apm Creates or updates an incident based on an Event Services eventin record.
axces.cm3 Creates or updates a change request based on an Event Services eventin record.
axces.cm3.cts.write Creates a schedule record that processes alerts for Change Management records.
axces.database Adds, updates or deletes records from Service Manager files using Event Services. Creates an eventout record based on the Service Manager mail record that was passed in. Receives external e-mail and converts it to Service Manager mail using Event Services.
axces.move.intoout Copies an eventin record to the eventout file and changes the evtype.
axces.rm Creates or updates Request Management quotes via Event Services eventin record. Breaks events into appropriate constituent parts. Adds, updates, or deletes a software configuration item that an external agent (other than ServerView or StationView) discovers to the pcfiles file if the filter criteria are satisfied. Creates or updates Service Desk interactions based on an eventin record using Event Services.
axces.write Build the eventout record used by the SCAutomate interface.
database Provides access to other tables from a particular record.
es.approval Processes approvals for Request Management and Change Management.
fill.fc Copies data from a target file to the current file, using predefined links under user control.
getnumb.fc Establishes the numbering sequence in sequential numbering.
marquee.publish Sends a marquee message.
marquee.send Reads the schedule record and initiate the marquee.publish routine.
message.fc Sends messages under user control.
post.fc Executes the posting routine from the subroutines process (automatic posting) and from the additional options process (manual posting).
publish Publishes a variable into SYSPUB.
query.stored Accesses all queries for a specific file or to execute a specific stored query.
scauto.inventory Provides access to configuration items.
sort.array Sorts simple arrays (number, character, date/time) in either ascending or descending order. A RAD routine that can invoke any JavaScript function in the ScriptLibrary. This routine enables you to run a JavaScript function without connecting to the Service Manager server via a client.
validate.fields Validates fields in a form.
wmi.inventory.checks Checks the eventin record for status information from a type of scan. It also processes the information from the scan into the Configuration Management application using the scauto.inventory RAD routine.