Develop > Programming Guide > System Language reference > List: rtecalls > rtecall("filecopy") function

rtecall("filecopy") function

A RAD function that copies all of the data in a collection to another file variable. The database dictionary record for both the source and target files must exist. Records are only added.




$L.success.flg=rtecall($, $L.return.code, $,
$, $L.count, $L.bad)


The following parameters are valid for the rtecall("filecopy") function:

Parameter Data type Description
$L.success.flg Logical Indicates if the function was successful.
$ String Name of the sub-function to call, in this case "filecopy".
$L.return.code Number Provides a more detailed return code.
$ String The name of the source database dictionary record.
$ String The name of the target database dictionary record.
$L.count Number A count of the number of records successfully moved.
$L.bad Number A count of the number of errors encountered.


If the $L.success.flg is false, the function failed. If it is true, the function succeeded.


$L.success.flg=rtecall("filecopy", $L.return.code, $,
$, $L.count, $L.bad)

Returns the locationbak file as an exact copy of the location file.