Administer > Scheduled maintenance > Scheduled Maintenance exception models > Examples: Scheduled Maintenance exception models

Examples: Scheduled Maintenance exception models

Assume that you have a Day Shift calendar that specifies 9AM – 5PM, Monday – Friday. Saturday and Sunday are not included in the calendar. There is a scheduled task that runs every hour beginning at 8:30 AM.

Model Result
No Exceptions model The task runs every hour on the half-hour 8:30 AM, 9:30, 10:30, ... 5:30 PM and so on.
Only Calendars model The task runs only during the Day Shift. The task runs every hour on the half-hour 8:30 AM, 9:30, 10:30, … 4:30 PM. The task triggers again at 5:30 PM, but does not run because it cannot run outside of the defined calendar hours.
Except Calendars model The task run at any time except during the Day Shift. The task triggers at 8:30 AM, 9:30, 10:30, … 4:30 PM, but it does not run until the Day Shift ends. When the task triggers at 5:30 PM, it runs normally.