(Optional) Create an IdM client trust store

Each IdM client can connect to the IdM server over https or http. If you want to use https, you need to specify whether and how the IdM client should verify the IdM server certificate. The SAML SSO solution provides two options:

  • Trust all https servers

    If this option is used, the IdM client will skip https server verification and trust all https servers, including the IdM server. This option simplifies the SAML SSO setup procedure but does not provide the best security. It is therefore not recommended for production environments. You can use this option for testing and demonstration purposes.

    To use this option, on the SM web tier, SRC, or Mobility Client side, set the idm.ssl.trustAll paramter to true (default: false).

  • Trust only servers whose public key is contained in the client trust store

    Important This option provides the best security and is therefore strongly recommended for production environments.

    When the IdM client connects to the IdM server over https, this option requires you to configure the IdM client so that it trusts the IdM server only when the server's public key is contained in the client's trust keystore. If the IdM server is deployed as https, you need to create a trust keystore locally for the IdM client and import the IdM server's public key into the trust keystore.

Perform this task only if you want to use the second option.

  1. Create an IdM client trust store.

    1. Generate a trustStore.keystore file, by running the following command:

      keytool -genkey -alias tomcat1 -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keypass tomcat1 -validity 365 -keystore trustStore.keystore -storepass tomcat1

    2. Import the IdM public key to the trustStore.keystore file, by running the command below:

      keytool -import -alias tomcat -file tomcat.cer -keystore trustStore.keystore -storepass tomcat1

    Note Now, the trust store file is generated. The file name is trustStore.keystore, and its password is tomcat1.

  2. Copy the trust store file to the IdM client (the Web Tier, SRC, and Mobility Client).

Later, on the Service Manager side (including the Web Tier, SRC, and Mobility Client), set the idm.ssl.trustAll parameter to false (default) and specify the trust store file and password for the IdM client. For details, see Configure SAML SSO in Service Manager (using standalone IdM).

Next step

Configure SAML SSO in Service Manager (using standalone IdM)