Use > Survey > Survey Integration > Survey user tasks > Filter the survey recipients

Filter the survey recipients

The User Selection Rules section of the survey definition record in HPE Service Manager Survey Integration enables you to configure how often users are sent survey requests and the percentage of users that are sent a survey request. To filter the survey recipients, follow these steps:

  1. Open a survey definition record by creating a new survey or by searching for an existing survey.
  2. Scroll down to the User Selection Rules section.
  3. Select one or more of the following options:
    • Do not survey a user more than once in a survey cycle

      When this option is selected, users who appear in the survey database more than once are not sent multiple survey requests.

    • Do not send a user a new survey for <time>

      When this option is selected, you can configure a period of time in which users are not sent new survey requests.

    • Randomly select <percentage> % of users as survey recipients

      When this option is selected, you can configure the percentage of users that are sent a survey request.

  4. Click Save.