Develop > Tailoring > Form creation > Forms Designer > Creating and editing forms > Forms Designer controls and tools

Forms Designer controls and tools

Forms Designer has the following controls and tools. They are listed in the order in which they appear in the toolbar. Each control has different properties. Click the Name link to view the details.

or Tool
Name Description
Grid icon Grid view tool
Toggles the alignment grid that you can use while designing the form.
Selection tool icon Selection tool
Enables you to select, deselect, and modify design objects.
Notebook icon Notebook control
Adds a container that subdivides the contents of a screen into logical groups or categories.
Notebook tab icon Notebook Tab control
Adds a container for a notebook that has two or more pages. Navigate to each page by selecting its tab.
Group icon Group control
Adds a container that groups logically associated items and includes a text label at the top.
Bevel frame icon Frame control
Adds a container that groups logically associated items.
Label icon Label control
Adds a place for you to type a title for the form, a label for an object within the form, or otherwise place a single line of text on the form.
Wrap label icon Wrap label control
Adds a multiline label.
Link label icon Link label control
Adds a label that includes a caption and a icon that links to another source.
Text icon Text control
Adds a text box that displays the contents of a text field and conditionally enables users to enter or modify its contents.
Text area icon Text area control
Adds a text area that displays the contents of a text field and conditionally enables users to input several lines of data.
Decimal icon Decimal control
Adds an input field that displays and enables users to update the contents of a numeric field and offers spinner buttons to increase or decrease a value.
Date icon Date control
Adds a text box that displays and enables users to update the contents of a date field.
Combo Box icon Combo Box control
Adds a Combo Box that enables users to click a button and select from a drop-down list.
Comfill icon Comfill control
Adds a combination Combo Box and fill button. You can specify a virtual join subform to display in a pop-up when the user hovers over this field.
List Builder icon List Builder control
Adds a compound widget that allows the user to construct a list of choices.
Button icon Button control
Adds a button that activates a Control ID when clicked. You can use text, graphics, or both to customize buttons.
Checkbox icon Checkbox control
Adds a checkbox that displays and enables users to update the contents of a Boolean (logical) field, which can evaluate to true, false, unknown, or null.
Radio button icon Radio button control
Adds a radio button that enables users to select one value from a set of mutually exclusive values.
Table icon Table control
Adds a table that displays one or more columns of data in a scrollable pane.
Table column icon Table column control
Adds a column to an existing table.
Timer icon Timer control
Adds a clock timer.
File icon File control
Adds an Open File dialog box.
Chart icon Chart control
Adds a chart that displays the contents of a numeric array as a two-dimensional, color-coded bar chart with optional, definable buttons.
Image icon Image control
Adds a place to display a Microsoft Windows image file.
Marquee icon Marquee control
Adds an attention-getting text message that scrolls continuously across the screen from right to left.
Subform icon Subform control
Adds a sub-form to a larger form.
Attachments icon Attachments control
Adds a box into which users can place non- Service Manager documents (for example, from Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel).
Script icon Script control
Adds a place for users to enter JavaScript into a color-coded syntax editor.
Dynamic Form icon Dynamic Form control
Adds a dynamic form that becomes visible when populated by XML code from a RAD application or JavaScript.
HTML Editor icon HTML Editor control
Adds an HTML Editor that enables users to add standard HTML to the form.
HTML Viewer icon HTML Viewer control
Adds an HTML Viewer that enables users to view the HTML created using the HTML Editor.
HTML Embedded Viewer icon Embedded Viewer control
Adds a viewer that enables Web client users to view integrations.
Graph icon Graph control
Displays a diagram of connected nodes representing a system of interrelated things.
Calendar control Adds a calendar.
Web Preview icon Web Preview tool
Enables you to see what the form will look like when displayed by the Web client.
Toggle Section icon Convert Form Layout tool
Converts all of the fields on the left side of the form into one group, and converts each of the notebook tabs on the right into a group, arranged vertically, under the left side fields. In the Web client, these groups are collapsible.