Develop > Tailoring > Web tier > Branding the web client > Enable the branding menu in old applications

Enable the branding menu in old applications

Note In Service Manager 9.34 or later, you only need to set the customize-folder parameter to enable the branding feature. However, if the version number of your Service Manager applications is earlier than 9.34, you need to perform this task to set up the branding menu.

To enable the branding menu in Service Manager applications, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Menus.
  2. Type TAILORING in the Menu Name field.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the TAILORING menu record.

  5. Append a row to the table with the values described below, and leave the rest of the columns empty.

    Option# Description Application Parameter Name Parameter Value Condition
    Enter a sequential number Branding us.launch.internal url branding.jsp index("SysAdmin", $lo.ucapex)>0 and sysinfo.get("environment")~="scguiwswt"

    Note When you add the branding menu item to the applications, you assign a new id for this item. The new id may cause id conflicts when you upgrade the applications later. HPE recommends that you delete this branding menu item before you upgrade the applications and add it back manually if you still need it after you upgrade the applications.

  6. Save the menu record.

  7. Log off Service Manager and then log back in.

  8. Click Tailoring > Branding. The branding menu opens.