Reconciling differences between RAD applications

Use these guidelines when reconciling differences between a tailored RAD application and the new one.

  • If your company does not have a RAD license, you are not able to merge the changes using the RAD Editor. However, you can use the RAD Comparison Utility to compare the two objects and then automatically replace your tailored RAD application with the new one using the Merge option. For details, see Automatically replace Renamed RAD applications.

  • If your company has a RAD license, use the RAD Comparison Utility to compare the objects and use the RAD editor to merge the changes.

Note The codes for RAD applications for which "Current Release Level" is not marked as the current version "SM 9.52" (instead, it is still marked as the original version, "9.50" or ""), are already current with the ones in Service Manager 9.52. Therefore, you should not change the "Current Release Level" field to "SM 9.52". There are two cases in which a RAD application's "Current Release Level" may be marked as "SM 9.52":

  • The RAD applications which are new in Service Manager 9.52.
  • The RAD applications whose code has been changed in Service Manager 9.52.

Automatically replace Renamed RAD applications

The Merge option enables you to automatically replace your tailored RAD application with the new one.

To use this option, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Upgrade Utility > View/Merge Results.
  2. Locate a Renamed RAD application by performing a search.
  3. Click More or the More Actions icon and select Merge. Service Manager will automatically create a backup of the old object by renaming it OLDSM9.5<object_name> and then rename the new object by removing the prefix NEW9.52.00xx from the object name. The result is then marked as "Reconciled."