Managed state

In Service Manager, the managed state is the subset of CI attributes that have been defined as critical enough to be closely managed by a formal change process and have been approved by that process. You may add managed state information for a CI in several ways:

  • Automatically add CI attributes from an integration to Universal CMDB
  • Automatically add CI attributes from an integration to Connect-It and Universal CMDB
  • Manually add CI attributes

After you add the managed state information to a CI, any changes to the CI attributes must go through a Change Management process.

Service Manager owns the managed state of a CI and acts as the definitive source of what the CI attributes should be. The actual state of the CI may differ from the managed state and may trigger actions in Service Manager such as an out of compliance with baseline warning message or the opening of an unplanned change.

Managed State section

The Managed State section uses subsections to display data about each CI. There are three subsections for this purpose, The Network subsection and the Additional subsection are used for all CI types. The third subsection depends upon the CI and CI type selected. For example, the Adobe Reader is an application CI type and therefore includes the Application subsection in the Managed State section.