Event names and definitions

Request Management includes several predefined system events. You can define additional events as needed. The following partial record list shows some of the most commonly used predefined system events, and to which Request Management areas they apply.

Commonly Used Predefined System Events

The following table describes predefined system events.

Events Area
alerts recalc o (orders)
alerts recalc q (quotes)
alerts reset o
alerts reset q
approval o
approval q
approval reeval o
approval reeval q
approval reset o
approval reset q
approved o
approved q
category change
- category change
- partial received
l (line items)

Default List of System Event Names and Definitions

The following is the default list of system event names and definitions. (Some apply to certain areas, and others apply to all areas.)

Event Name Description
alerts recalc The quote or order’s alerts have been recalculated.
alerts reset The quote or order’s alerts have been reset.
approval An operator has approved one of the approval requirements of an item.
approval reeval The approval requirements of a quote/order have been reevaluated.
approval reset The approval requirements of a quote/order have been reset.
approved All approval requirements for an item have been approved.
- category change
The category of a quote/order has been manually changed.
- partially received
A line item has been closed, but not all of the ordered quantities have been received.
- phase change
The phase of an item has been closed due to a manual phase change.
-- received
A line item has been fully received; or, all of the line items of an order have been fully received.
close final The final phase of an item is complete. The item is closed.
close phase An intermediary phase of an item is complete, but the item is still open.
copy&open An item (quote, order, or line item) has been copied to a new item.
disapproval One of an item’s approval requirements has been denied.
disapproved The quote/order is denied based on the Approval Status rules.
drop avail A line item has been manually dropped from the available to order status.
due date notice This contains sample system data.
gen order delayed The background generate orders process has been delayed due to a posting process that has not yet completed. The generate orders schedule record has been updated to run at its next normally scheduled time.
late notice This contains sample system data.
mark avail A line item has been made available for order processing.
open An item has been opened.
open next The next phase of an item has been opened.
open next
- category change
A new phase has been started due to a manual category change.
open next
- phase change
The next phase has been started due to a manual phase change.
pending vendor
- select
A line item is pending the selection/assignment of a vendor and cannot be processed until the vendor is assigned.
post bg
- error
The line item that was targeted for posting could not be found.
post bg
- excessive resched
A background posting schedule record has been rescheduled more than three times.
post bg
- process error
During background posting of line item data, an unknown processing error occurred.
post bg
- quote not found
During background posting, the parent quote could not be found; no data was posted.
post bg
- rescheduled
The parent quote/order could not be locked.
posting not complete When quantity > 0, and Received + BO’d + Cancel + Returned = 0 (the fields on ocml.receive.post format)
reeval For approvals or alerts.
reopen A closed item has been reopened.
reset For approvals and alerts.
shortage The OCM Order Create background processor attempted to process a quote line item; there is insufficient available inventory to satisfy the requirement of the line item. There are no open orders for this Part.
sap order pricing SAP associates and verifies prices for individual items to be ordered.
sap purchase req SAP processed Service Manager request and queries for items available to order.
sap quote pricing SAP associates prices with items that are displayed on the Service Manager quote.
unapproval An operator has retracted one of the approval requirements of an item.
update An item has been updated.
waiting The OCM Order Create Background processor attempted to process a quote line item; there is insufficient available inventory, but there is already an outstanding order for the Part. Waiting on receipt of item.


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Request Management event services
Pre-implementation planning