Advanced search for interactions

When you search for a request, sometimes a large number of results are returned. You can set the search criteria to locate a specific request or group of requests by using advanced search.

Note Not all fields in interactions can be used for Service Request Catalog advanced search, as not all fields include the available search criteria. For detailed information about which fields are available as search criteria, see the "Fields available for advanced search" section.

Search for an interaction

To search for and view a Service request or a Support request, follow these steps:

  1. Click the filter button to cascade the available filters. The out-of-box filters include: Request ID, Requested For, Open Time, and Close Time.

    Note The administrator configures the default filters that are initially displayed in the account view page.

  2. Type the search terms in your selected filter box, and then press Enter.

    • You can choose terms from the global list variables or the lookup table values if the administrator has configured the validation rule for this field.
    • You have to press the Enter key after you type each search term. Check the effected filters on the request details page to make sure all the search criteria are taking effect.

    The search results are displayed in a list in the request details page.

  3. Click an item to view the details of that request.

    Note You can also adjust your search results by removing one or all of the search filters.

Add a search field

Note When your customization is complete, you must log in to Service Request Catalog again for the changes to take effect.

To add a field, continue with these steps:

  1. Start a 9.61 client session. Make sure the 9.61 client connects to a Service Manager9.61 server. The client can be an earlier version, but the server must be a 9.61 server.
  2. Expand the left Navigation pane.
  3. Click Tailoring > SRC Tailoring > Advanced Search. Service Manager displays an SRC Configuration wizard. The first page of the wizard lists existing configurations.
  4. Select the company for which you want to modify the advanced search configurations.

    • To enable multi-company mode for advanced search, you have to enable the multi-company mode and start the system schedule list builder. The multi-company list is displayed on the advanced search company after you log in to the Service Manager client again.
    • If a Service Request Catalog login user (operator) is not assigned a company value, the configurations of advance search do not take effect.
  5. Click Add a Field.
  6. Click the Field Name drop-down list to choose the field that you want to populate with new information. The field type below is automatically populated.

    Example: Choose Urgency from the drop-down list.

    Note If you add a logical type field in Service Manager, the filter for this data type only takes effect in Service Request Catalog when the filter value is set to true by selecting the check box of this filter in Service Request Catalog user interface. Otherwise, this search filter is ignored during the search.

    For example, you add a new Customer Visible field as a search filter in Service Manager. When you select the check box in Service Request Catalog, only the requests whose customer visible field value is set as true are displayed. However, if you do not select this check box in Service Request Catalog, it does not mean that the requests whose Customer Visible field is set as false will be returned. Instead, the search results are not affected by this filter.

  7. For the Field Label section, you can perform one of the following actions:

    • Select the Use Default Label option to use the default field label from datadict.
    • Select the Select a Label option to select a label from the existing labels stored in the srcadvsearch class in the scmessage table.
    • Select the Add a Label option to add a new label. After you add a new label, the information of this label is stored in the srcadvsearch class in the scmessage table.

      Note The label that you select or add overwrites the default label.

  8. For the Validation Rule section, you can perform one of the following actions:

    • Select the None option if no validation rule is applied.
    • Select the Record in Global List option to enable globalist validation. You can click the Global List drop-down list to specify a value. In this way, from the Service Request Catalog advanced search function, you can pick up a value from the drop-down list as pre-defined in the global list.
    • Select the Record in Table option to enable lookup table validation. You can click the Table Name and Field Name drop-down lists to specify a value. In this way, from the Service Request Catalog advanced search function, you can click the lookup button to pick up a value from the list.
  9. When the new field is complete, click Finish.

Fields available for advanced search

  • Not all fields in interactions can be used for Service Request Catalog Advanced Search, the fields are limited based on the following rules:

    • Level 1 fields
    • The type of the field is one of the following categories: character, number, date/time, or logical.
    • The field is not a virtual join field that ends up with “vj” or contains ".vj"

    To check the full list of the fields available for advanced search, see Appendix E: Fields available for advanced search.

  • Edit an existing search field

    You can edit an existing search field for the advanced search. You can use the following steps to modify the default search fields.

    Note When your customization is complete, you must log in to Service Request Catalog again for the changes to take effect.

    To complete any of the Service Manager tailoring tasks, start with these basic steps:

    1. Start a Service Manager client session. Make sure the Service Manager client connects to a Service Manager 9.61 server. The client can be an earlier version, but the server must be a 9.61 server.
    2. Expand the left Navigation pane.
    3. Click Tailoring > SRC Tailoring > Advanced Search. Service Manager displays an SRC Configuration wizard. The first page of the wizard lists existing configurations.

    To edit the configuration, continue with these steps:

    1. From the Service Request Catalog advanced search configuration Wizard home page, select the company for which you want to modify the advanced search configurations.

      • To enable the multi-company mode for advanced search, you have to enable the multi-company mode and start the system schedule list builder. The multi-company list is displayed on the advanced search company after you log in to the Service Manager client again.
      • If a Service Request Catalog login user (operator) has no company value to set with, the configurations of advance search do not take effect.
    2. Click Edit a Selected Field.
    3. Edit the field you want to change. For details about the field description, see the "Add a search field" section.
    4. Click Finish.

    Delete a search field

    Note When your customization is complete, you must log in to Service Request Catalog again for the changes to take effect.

    To complete any of the Service Manager tailoring tasks, start with these basic steps:

    1. Start a Service Manager client session. Make sure the Service Manager client connects to a Service Manager 9.61 server. The client can be an earlier version, but the server must be a 9.61 server.
    2. Expand the left Navigation pane.
    3. Click Tailoring > SRC Tailoring > Advanced Search. Service Manager displays an SRC Configuration wizard. The first page of the wizard lists existing configurations.

    To delete a search field, continue with these steps:

    1. From the Service Request Catalog advanced search configuration Wizard home page, select the company for which you want to modify the advanced search configurations.

      • To enable multi-company mode for advanced search, you have to enable the multi-company mode and start the system schedule list builder. The multi-company list is displayed on the advanced search company after you log in to the Service Manager client again.
      • If a Service Request Catalog login user (operator) has no company value to set with, the configurations of advance search do not take effect.
    2. Click an existing search field.
    3. Click Remove a Selected Field.