SRC survey

SRC survey is based on the Micro Focus Service Manager HTML Email solution (JavaMail) and applies the out-of box internal Survey connector. You can manually send individual surveys directly from a record to selected users, or configure the system to automatically send scheduled surveys to specified users.

When users receive an SRC survey link, they can directly open the link in a web browser and then log in to SRC to complete the survey. They can also check the surveys opened for them or closed by them in the SRC portal. In the out-of-box system, SRC surveys are designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Collect user satisfaction ratings for the following areas: the level of service provided, the speed of response that the user received, and the level of communication.
  • Collect additional comments from the user (if any)
  • Allow the user to further register a complaint or compliment. If the user selects to do so, the system automatically generates an interaction record of a Complaint or Compliment category with the information the user provided, and sends an email to the user with information about the interaction record. The user can click the record link to check the record details and status.
  • Allow the administrator to add new questions to surveys
  • Allow the administrator to customize the answer types in the survey

SRC survey setup

Setting up manual surveys only requires the common configurations while setting up scheduled surveys requires some addition configurations.

Common configurations

Both types of SM surveys require the following configurations:

  • The HTML Email solution must be set up. For details, see the "Set up HTML Email for SM surveys" page in the Service Manager Help Center.
  • The SRC URL must be set up in the System Information Record. For details, see the "Configure web tier URLs for SM surveys" page in the Service Manager Help Center. In the SRC URL field, type the fully qualified SRC URL to your web tier. For example:

    http://<SRC Server Address>:<port number>/<SRC App Server Name>
  • The survey portal must be set to SRC.

Once these configurations are ready, you can send manual SRC surveys from a record by selecting the Send Survey option. However, scheduled SRC surveys require additional configurations.

Additional configurations for scheduled SRC surveys

Scheduled surveys are based on the survey integration framework, and therefore require additional configurations.

Customize your SRC survey

In the out-of-box system, four questions are provided for SM (ESS, SRC, and Service Manager Service Portal) surveys.

You can customize your survey questionnaires by creating survey templates of your own. These survey templates apply to all of three SM Survey portals: ESS, SRC, and Service Manager Service Portal.

Before customization, you need to add new fields in the SurveyInternal dbdict. For details, see Add fields to the SurveyInternal dbdict record.

For details about how to create your own survey questionnaires, see Create a survey template and Edit an existing survey template.

Send an SRC survey from a record

Once your administrator has set up HTML Email and configured the SRC URL in the System Information Record, you can manually send a survey from a record to SRC users.

For details, see Send a survey from a record.

Respond to an SRC survey

User roles: SRC users

If you receive an email notification inviting you to respond to an SRC survey, follow the instructions to view and respond to the survey.

To view and respond to an SRC survey, follow these steps:

  1. Open the survey link in a web browser.

    The SRC login screen appears.

  2. Log in to SRC.
  3. On the header bar, click Dashboard.

    The pane titled "Your Surveys" shows how many open surveys are pending.

  4. At the bottom of the pane, click Your Surveys to open the list of surveys.

    Note To view all surveys, you can also click Surveys from the User Account drop-down list in the header.

  5. Click one of the surveys from the list to open a survey.
  6. Select your answers to the survey questions.
  7. (Optional) Enter additional comments.
  8. (Optional) Select Register a compliment or Register a complaint to register an interaction.

    If you select either option, the system will automatically create an interaction record that has a category of Compliment or Complaint and send you another email with the record details after you submit the survey. By default, the No option is selected.

  9. Click Submit.

    The survey now appears in your list of closed surveys ( Survey > Closed).