Administer > Application setup > Process Designer > Using the Condition Editor > Launch the Condition Editor from a workflow

Launch the Condition Editor from a workflow

Applies to User roles: System Administrator


The Condition Editor enables you to build a condition without any programming language knowledge.

Note You can launch the Condition Editor in the web client only.

To launch the Condition Editor from a workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Click Process Designer > Workflows in the System Navigator.
  2. Select an existing workflow or create a new workflow.
  3. You can launch the Condition Editor from workflow phases and workflows transitions.
    • To launch the Condition Editor from a phase, select a phase, and then use one of the following methods:
      • In the Details tab, click the Form Edit Condition field.
      • In the Actions tab, click Add, and then click the Action Condition field.
      • In the Approvals tab, click the Reset Condition or Recalculate Condition field.
      • In the Alerts tab, click the Reset Condition or Recalculate Condition field.
    • To launch the Condition Editor from a transition, select a transition, and then click the Condition field in the Details tab.

Note To close the Condition Editor, click Cancel.

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