Get started > Editing records > Record list

Record list

The Service Manager database is a set of files that contains records. You can search, modify, create, and delete these records. Records may contain information about the following items:

  • Users
  • Configuration items
  • Interaction reports
  • Incidents
  • Changes
  • Requests

You can locate records by using a query, which is a search performed on the Service Manager database. A record list query is a search of the database using the information you know about a specific record. If Service Manager finds multiple records that match your search parameters, it displays a record list. You can double-click any record from the list to view it in a form.

When you access a record, you can browse (view only) or update the record. Your ability to update the record depends on your user profile. For example, a Service Desk user may not have permission to approve a change record.

Alternate forms

System Administrators can modify Service Manager so that alternate forms are available to some users. In this situation, the Alternate Forms option in the More Actions menu is available. User can select the form to use to display the information. Administrators do this to display different views such as financial or security information.

Administrators can specify alternate forms to display a list of records or to display a single record.

Enable or disable a record list

Applies to User roles: All roles

To enable a record list in the Windows client, follow these steps:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, expand Service Manager.
  3. Click Appearance, and then select Show detail pane with record list.
  4. Click Apply, and then click OK.

To disable a record list in the Windows client, follow these steps:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. From the Preferences dialog, expand Service Manager.
  3. Click Appearance, and then clear the Show detail pane with record list option.
  4. Click Apply, and then click OK.

Note This method is only available in the Windows client and does not work in the web client.

Create customized column views for record lists

Applies to User roles: All roles

To create customized column views for record lists, follow these steps:

  1. Click More or the More Actions icon.
  2. Click Modify Columns to display a form that enables you to select the columns (fields) that the record list displays.
  3. Modify the columns as desired. For more information about how to do this, see Change the columns in a record list.
  4. Click More or the More Actions icon.
  5. Click Save as Named Grid, type a name for your new grid, and then click OK.

Note You can repeat this process for each view that you want to create.

Create customized column views for record lists

Applies to User roles: All roles

To create customized column views for record lists, follow these steps:

  1. Click More or the More Actions icon.
  2. Click Modify Columns to display a form that enables you to select the columns (fields) that the record list displays.
  3. Modify the columns as desired. For more information about how to do this, see Change the columns in a record list.
  4. Click More or the More Actions icon.
  5. Click Save as Named Grid, type a name for your new grid, and then click OK.

Note You can repeat this process for each view that you want to create.

Invoke a saved column view

Applies to User roles: All roles

To invoke a saved column view, follow these steps:

  1. Display any record list.
  2. Click More or the More Actions icon.
  3. Click Modify Columns, click More or the More Actions icon again, and then select Load Named Grid.
  4. Click the drop-down list to choose the name of a saved column view (grid), and then click OK.

Delete all saved column views

Applies to User roles: All roles

To delete all saved column views, follow these steps:

  1. Display any record list.
  2. Click More or the More Actions icon.
  3. Click Modify Columns.
  4. Click More or the More Actions icon again, and then select Clear Saved Grids.

Related topics

More Actions menu
Format Control processes

Change the columns in a record list
View multiple records using an alternate form