Install > Install Service Manager Collaboration > Deploy Service Manager Collaboration with HTTP > Task 3: Test LW-SSO with the Service Manager web tier

Task 3: Test LW-SSO with the Service Manager web tier

In this task, you will verify if your Service Manager LW-SSO configuration works.

  1. Access your tomcat link with the Tomcat server’s FQDN. In the all-in-one example steps described in this document, access in your web browser to display the Service Manager login screen.

  2. Log on to Service Manager as a system administrator. The system displays the administrator's To Do Queue.

    If you are directed to a "Logout Successful" page, there may be issues with your LW-SSO configuration. Check all your files from the previous tasks and then try again.

    Caution From now on, you must use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the web tier URL when logging on to Service Manager.