Install > Install Service Manager Collaboration > Deploy Service Manager Collaboration with HTTPS > Task 10: Define the display of the End User Chat UI for Service Portal

Task 10: Define the display of the End User Chat UI for Service Portal

Note Skip this task if your organization uses Service Manager ESS portal for end users.

An end user needs to click the chat button to open the End User Chat window. In this task, you will configure the env.js file to define how the End User Chat window is displayed on the Service Manager Service Portall.

Note The Apache server and Service Manager Service Portal must use SSL certificates issued by the same Certificate Authority (CA) and the SSL certificates or the CA must be trusted by the end user's web browser.

Follow these steps to update the chat service URL in Service Manager Chat UI:

  1. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0_SMWeb\webapps\chatui\conf directory, and then open env.js with a text editor.

  2. Update the chatServiceUrl value, which must be the real URL that you can access through Apache. For example,

  3. Save your changes and close this file.

Tip For more information about how to enable End User Chat in Service Manager Service Portal, see Install and set up a single Service Manager Service Portal instance.