Request Management events

You can use event registration to view details of registered events, which are stored in the eventregister table. The table below lists some of the out-of-box events for Request Management.

Note This list is not all-inclusive.

Event Event
rmlarchwaystatus input Used to update the backend status of a field in a line item.
rmlin input Provides access to Request Management line items.
rmlineitemupdate input/output Used to update the quantity.returned field of a line item.
rmoappr input Provides access to Request Management order approval.
rmoarchwaystatus input Used to update the backend.status field of an order.
rmoin input Provides access to Request Management order input.
rmorder output Used by Asset Manager.
rmorderupdate output Used by Asset Manager.
rmqappr input Provides access to Request Management quote approval.
rmqin input Provides access to Request Management quote input.
rmreceiveline input Used to receive a line item.

View registered events