Integrate > Micro Focus UCMDB > Using the ServiceManagerAdapter9.41 Adapter > Tailoring the Integration > Integration Tailoring Options > How to Define a Custom Pushback Web Service and xslt File for a Specific CI Type

How to Define a Custom Pushback Web Service and xslt File for a Specific CI Type

There are occasions when you need to define a custom pushback web service and XSLT for a specific CI type (class), for example, when a CI type you want to populate is not stored in the device table in Service Manager. This is because the out-of-the-box ucmdbIDPushBack web service is based on the device table.

For example, you have tailored the integration in order to populate the Functional Group from Service Manager to UCMDB. If the Functional Group in Service Manager is not stored in the device table, you can define a custom web service and XSLT like the following:

	<idPushbackConfiguration ucmdbClassName="functional_group"

Note To support your pushback customizations, you need to create the specified custom web service record in Service Manager and XSLT file in UCMDB.