Knowledge Management: User Demand


The Knowledge Management: User Demand report breaks down Knowledge Management (KM) documents by source and then by their usage. This report contains a graphical representation of the breakdown of documents using a bar graph to display the number of documents viewed and the number of documents used as a solution per source. You can double-click any bar of the chart to display the detailed usage counts within a source by document ID.

Customer Value

This report provides a quick view of documents within a source that were viewed or used as a solution. This information can be used by a KM administrator to evaluate the content of the KM documents. An administrator can view the detailed information for a particular document within a source and see the total times a document was viewed compared to the total times the document was used as a solution. If the document was viewed several times but not used as a solution this might indicate that the content of the document needs to be updated. An administrator may also determine that the document is invalid and should be retired or that the title and keywords need to be updated in order to better facilitate user searches.