Develop > Operational Reports > Report Descriptions and Usage > Service Desk Reports > Open and Closed Service Desk Interactions

Open and Closed Service Desk Interactions


The Open and Closed Service Desk Interactions report breaks down interactions by state (open or closed), by category, and then by area. This report contains a graphical representation of the breakdown of open versus closed interactions using a pie chart to display the categories. You can double-click any piece of the pie to display a detailed breakdown of that category by its areas. This report organizes the information using groups and sub-groups to help users quickly view percentages and total counts by category and area.

Customer Value

This report provides a quick view of for a specified time period. The percentages and totals displayed in group headings allow for quick determination of which categories and areas are generating the highest number of interactions, have a large number of interactions remaining open, or are resolving issues quickly. This information can then be used by a Service Desk administrator to determine if a particular help desk requires additional training or resources to efficiently manage the number of calls in a given area.