Smart Ticket Test Result form

From within the confusion matrix table, if you hover over a non-zero number, a tip message is displayed to explain the expected category and actual recommended category in this test round. Clicking the number will direct you to the Smart Ticket Test Result form:

The first half of this page is a list of test documents, and the second half is the detail form of the selected test document in the list.

The test document detail form provides the following information.

Field Description
Test Round The ID of this test.
Test Record The ID of the current test document.
Categorizer The name of the categorizer (Smart Ticket task) used for the current test.
Category The expected category for the current test document.
Predicted Category The actual recommended category for the current test document.
Prediction Score The confidence score of this prediction.
Category Predictions

This tab contains a list of all predicted categories from Smart Ticket for the current test document, sorted by prediction score.

You can also find the key words used to match the current test document to each predicted category.

Test Document Body This tab contains the test document body text. Out of box, the text comes from the title and description of the ticket.
Test Document Terms

This tab contains a list of terms extracted from the current test document, as well as their following information:

  • Weight: term weight
  • Document Occurrences: number of occurrences in the current document
  • Total Occurrences: total number of occurrences in the system
Errors This tab contains log information if any errors occur during the test.