The structure of the request

The bold $$elementChildren.push section shows that the requestObj Child element is of type Request(). To find the structure of the Request, find the definition of that function in the generated code.

function Request(  ) 
  this.$$nsPrefix = "ns8";
  this.$$elementFormDefault = "qualified";
  this.$$attributes = new Array();
  this.$$xmlNames = new Array();
  this.$$objNames = new Array();
  this.$$minOccurs = new Array();
  this.$$refs = new Array();
  this.getName = getName;
  this.getXmlName = getXmlName;
  this.setContent = setContent;
  this.addContent = addContent;
  this.getContent = getContent;
  this.isFault = isFault;
  this.$$elementChildren = new Array();
  this.$$name = "Request";
  this.$$xmlNames[ "Request" ] = "Request";
  this.$$minOccurs[ "id" ] = 0; = new xs_string();
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "id" );
  this.requestType = new xs_string();
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "requestType" );
  this.simpleFields = new Array();  // of SimpleField
  this.simpleFields.$$nsPrefix = "ns8"
  this.simpleFields_newInstance = function()
    var newLen = this.simpleFields.push( new SimpleField() );
    return this.simpleFields[ newLen-1 ];
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "simpleFields" );
  this.tables = new Array();  // of Table
  this.tables.$$nsPrefix = "ns8"
  this.tables_newInstance = function()
    var newLen = this.tables.push( new Table() );
    return this.tables[ newLen-1 ];
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "tables" );
  this.notes = new Array();  // of Note
  this.notes.$$nsPrefix = "ns8"
  this.notes_newInstance = function()
    var newLen = this.notes.push( new Note() );
    return this.notes[ newLen-1 ];
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "notes" );
  this.fieldChangeNotes = new Array();  // of FieldChangeNote
  this.fieldChangeNotes.$$nsPrefix = "ns8"
  this.fieldChangeNotes_newInstance = function()
    var newLen = this.fieldChangeNotes.push( new FieldChangeNote() );
    return this.fieldChangeNotes[ newLen-1 ];
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "fieldChangeNotes" );
  this.URLReferences = new Array();  // of URLReference
  this.URLReferences.$$nsPrefix = "ns8"
  this.URLReferences_newInstance = function()
    var newLen = this.URLReferences.push( new URLReference() );
    return this.URLReferences[ newLen-1 ];
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "URLReferences" );
  this.remoteReferences = new Array();  // of RemoteReference
  this.remoteReferences.$$nsPrefix = "ns8"
  this.remoteReferences_newInstance = function()
    var newLen = this.remoteReferences.push( new RemoteReference() );
    return this.remoteReferences[ newLen-1 ];
  this.$$elementChildren.push( "remoteReferences" );