Notify By field

The Notify By field specifies how to contact the person or customer who initiated an interaction. If the interaction record is associated with another record, the information in the Notify By field affects how the interaction record is closed. For example, if you associate an incident record to an interaction record, the related interaction record closes according to the information in the Notify By field when the incident record is closed.

Notify By setting Description
None The interaction record closes.
Email ITSMA Service Management sends an email to the contact who is listed in the interaction record to inform the contact that the related record is closed. ITSMA Service Management then closes the interaction record.
Telephone Notification by telephone adds a required action to the interaction record. The required action explains why the customer needs to be called back. This setting also prevents the interaction record from being closed until all required actions are complete.


  1. An administrator can add page and fax notifications.
  2. In Service Manager Codeless, you can configure HTML Rulesets from the workflow to send notifications as needed.