Use > Service Desk > Service Desk overview > What is a Service Desk interaction?

What is a Service Desk interaction?

Each time a user contacts the Service Desk, the Service Desk Agent uses ITSMA Service Management to create an interaction record. The Service Desk Agent records the user name, the name of the component about which the user is calling, and a description of the user request. After the Service Desk Agent collects this information, the Service Desk Agent performs the actions that are required to resolve the user request.

  • If the service request can be resolved without escalating it to an incident, the Service Desk Agent can close the interaction record.
  • If the service request cannot be resolved without escalating it to an incident, the Service Desk Agent searches for existing incidents that affect the same component or one of the parent assets of that component.
    • If an existing incident is found, the Service Desk Agent can associate the current interaction with the existing incident record.
    • If an existing incident record is not found, the Service Desk Agent can register a new incident based on the Service Desk interaction. Service Management copies information from the interaction record into the newly created incident record.

For example, if a user cannot print to a network printer, the user contacts the Service Desk for assistance. The Service Desk Agent populates an interaction record with the relevant information. Because the issue cannot be resolved immediately, the Service Desk Agent opens an incident, and the incident is assigned to a technician. The technician discovers that the printer network connection is broken. The technician fixes the connection and closes the incident. The Service Desk Agent contacts the user and instructs the user to attempt printing to the network printer. If the user can successfully print, the Service Desk Agent can close the interaction. If the user still cannot print, the Service Desk Agent may reopen the related incident record.