Get started > Accessibility Guide > Logging on to the accessible web client > Web client default keyboard shortcuts

Web client default keyboard shortcuts

Service Management uses the following keyboard shortcuts in the Accessible web client. System administrators can customize these shortcuts from the web configuration file.

List of web client default keyboard shortcuts


Keyboard shortcut


Show or hide the System Navigator

Alt + N


Show or hide the Messages View window

Alt + G


Refresh the current screen

Alt + R


Print the current record or list

Alt + P


Open the spell checker utility

Alt + C


Show the About window

Alt + O


Open the logout dialogue

Alt + L


Expands or collapses the List Pane in a list detail page

Alt + U


Open the manage favorites utility

Alt + 1


Add a favorite that links to the current record or list

Alt + 2

  • Expand or collapse the tree panel.
  • Expand or collapse tree nodes that have children (for example, expand/collapse a group in a record list).



Expand or collapse tree nodes that have children.

Left/Right Arrow


Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the navigator.

Ctrl + Alt + N


Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the main content pane.

Ctrl + Alt + M


Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the list pane (when the current page is a list-detail page).

Ctrl + Alt + L


Move the focus to the first toolbar button in the detail pane (when the current page is a list-detail page).

Ctrl + Alt + D


Move the focus to the current active tab header.

Ctrl + Alt + H

When using Ctrl + Alt + H to focus a tab header, and then press the Left/Right Arrow key, the headers of the inactive previous or next tabs are still focusable.

Close the current active tab.

Ctrl + Alt + T

You cannot close the first To Do Queue tab with this shortcut.

Navigate through the following panes (not including the toolbar buttons):

  • Navigator + main content pane
  • Navigator + list pane + detail pane (if the active tab page is a list-detail record list)

Alt + Q

When you navigate from one pane to another by pressing Alt + Q, the focused element in the original pane is remembered.

When you return to the original pane by pressing Alt + Q again, the focus is set on the remembered element; if no element in the original pane was focused, the focus is set on the frame window of the pane. However, if the original pane is refreshed, the focus is set on the first element of the navigator pane, or the frame window of the main content pane, list pane, or detail pane.

  • Non-grouped record list: Move the focus to the first cell of the first row.
  • Grouped record list: Move the focus to the first group node.
  • Table on a record details form: Move the focus to the first cell in the current table.
Ctrl + Home When JAWS is running, use the JAWS table key strokes instead.
  • Non-grouped record list: Move the focus to the last cell of the last row.
  • Grouped record list: Move the focus to the last group node, or to the last cell of the last row if the last group is expanded.
  • Table on a record details form: Move the focus to the last cell in the current table.
Ctrl + End When JAWS is running, use the JAWS table key strokes instead.
Navigate to the previous/next page of a non-grouped record list.

Alt + Page Up/Down


When focusing on a cell in a row of a table (either in a record list or in a table on a record details form), move the focus to the first/last cell of the row. Home/End When JAWS is running, use the JAWS table key strokes instead.
In a record list, deselect existing selected rows, and move both the focus and selected row up/down Up/Down  
In a record list, keep existing selected rows, and move the focus up/down Ctrl + Up/Down  
In a record list, select a range of rows Shift + Up/Down  
In a record list, select a row and drill down to the row UP/Down + Enter  

Select a row of a table in a record detail form:

  • If the focus is in a link, pressing Enter will also drill down to the link.
  • If the focus is not in a link, pressing Enter will select the current row and move the focus to the drill-down link of the row (Double–Click Field).

The Attachment control in a detail form does not use Enter to select a row.

Clear the message bar on a page Ctrl + Alt + G  
Show or hide the system keyboard shortcut list Ctrl + Alt + /  
Open or close the alert window Ctrl + Alt + A