Get started > Accessibility Guide > Logging on to the accessible web client > Using the web client in accessible mode

Using the web client in accessible mode

You can use the Service Management Web client in the accessible mode if you log in using an accessible URL. The following table lists the ways to use Service Management in accessible mode.

Accessible Mode Functions




To move the focus into a field, press the Tab key until it reaches that field. To return the focus to the previous location, press Shift + Tab.

Selecting text

To select text, use the standard operating system keystrokes.

Service Manager buttons

To access the button actions, press Enter when the focus is on the button. You can optionally use the Service Manager keyboard shortcuts or Web client key bindings.

Collapsible groups

When the focus is on the title of a collapsible group, press Enter to expand or collapse the selected group. Once the group is expanded, you can press the Tab key to navigate through the controls in the group.

Check boxes

To change the value of a checkbox, move the focus to that check box and press the Space bar.

Radio buttons

To select a radio button from a group of buttons, press the Tab key until the focus is on one of the radio buttons. Then press the arrow keys until the focus is on the one you want to select.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The accessible Web client has a number of keyboard short cuts that you can customize for your use. See Web client default keyboard shortcuts for more information.

Detail tab headers

Only the header of an active tab can be focused. When the focus is on the header of an active tab, you can use Left/Right Arrows to switch to other tabs.

Notebook tab headers The header of each tab can be focused by pressing the Tab key. When the focus is on the header of an inactive tab, you can press Enter to make the tab active.