Capability words

ITSMA Service Management provides a hierarchy of out-of-box capability words.

Note Capability words are case-sensitive.

Capability Primary subordinate Secondary subordinate Application Description
EditContacts     Any application mainly for admins to edit contacts (Administration) Enables editing of contact records.
EditOperators     Any application mainly for admins to edit operators (Administration) Enables editing of the password in operator records. If you are not SysAdmin, without this capability word even if you could edit some other operator information you wouldn't be able to change the password.
fscfull     Calendar Enables full access and the ability to open and update change records from the web
fscread     Calendar Enables read capability to FSC web calendar
HTMLTemplatesAdmin     Applications that use the HTML email feature. Enables a user to manage or create HTML templates.
ODBC     Server Access Grants access via ODBC32.DLL for reporting.
RESTful API     Web Services Enables a user to execute a RESTful API request.
SOAP API     Web Services Enables the user to login to Service Management and execute a SOAP API request.
SQLAdmin     SQL Enables SQL administrator authority.
Db2Admin   DB2 Enables DB2 administrator capability.
SysAdmin     All Applications Enables system administrator capability (i.e., everything).   Administration Grants access to old binary text format unload options. These are used to create a Service Management file system from scratch and must always be available to someone.
programmer   RAD Grants access to the application generator (ag).
Debug Debugger Enables a non-sysadmin user to do debugging for testing purposes. Normal users should not have this capability word unless there is debugging being done for that user.
AlwaysAdmin   Database Manager Defaults administration mode to true when using the Database Manager.
ChMAdmin   Change Management Grants access to Change Management administration.
change request Change Management Grants access to Change Management requests.
change task Change Management Grants access to Change Management tasks.
expedite change Change Management RFC management: this person may expedite changes.
GUIAdmin   User Interface Grants access to GUI administration.
chart.breakdown Charts Enables the charting capability in the Service Management client.
public.favorites Favorites Enables public favorites in the Windows / and Web client.
user.favorites Favorites Enables the user favorites in the Windows / and Web client.
menu.commands   Command line Grants command line access to functions from menu.
ICMAdmin   Configuration Management Grants access to Configuration Management administration.
inventory management   Configuration Management Grants access to Configuration Management.
help   Help Enables the user to add or update help records
IncidentAdmin   Incident Management Grants access to Incident Management administration.
amend suspension Incident Management Enables the capability to amend the Incident Management profile rights for suspend/unsuspend.
incident management Incident Management Grants access to Incident Management.
KMAdmin   Knowledge Management The KMAdmin capability word enables a user to perform all Knowledge Management and Knowledge Centered Support (KCS) tasks for all document categories including the administrative tasks associated with maintaining the Knowledge Management system.
knowledge engineer   IR Expert Enables the capability to modify the adaptive learning records.
mobile.admin   Mobile Grants access to the HPE Portal for mobile user administration.
mobile.user Mobile Grants access to the HPE Portal for mobile users.
ProbAdmin   Problem Management Grants access to Problem Management administration.
problem management Problem Management Grants access to Problem Management.
query.window   Queries Grants access to query window function in query.window application.
QueryAdmin   Queries Enables query administrator capability. Full access to query options/maintenance. Includes: query window, stored query usage and editing, etc. This is intended to be used like sysadmin, as an administrator, not for general usage. Please use caution assigning this as it gives access to create/modify stored queries, which can adversely affect system performance if not done correctly.
mod.time.limit Queries Enables the user to modify the default time limit for a partial key query entered in either Database Manager or Change Management.
partial.key Queries Enables the user to execute a partial key query in Database Manager or Change Management.
partial.key.msg.skip Queries Enables the user to skip the partial key query message in Database Manager.
query.stored Queries Enable user to execute stored queries when F6 (query) key is pressed, from any application. The user will be able to perform any stored query assigned to him/her or a group he/she belongs to (allowable groups in operator record).
query.stored.mod Queries Enable user execute/modify access of stored queries when F6 (query) key is pressed from any application.

Request Fulfillment

Allows access to Request Fulfillment administration, such as the approval delegation application.


Request Fulfillment

Allows access to the legacy Request Management Line Item applications. Since Line Item is not supported in Request Fulfillment in Server Manager Codeless mode, it can be considered obsolete if you do not use it anywhere else.


Request Fulfillment

Allows access to Request Fulfillment order records.


Request Fulfillment

Allows access to Request Fulfillment request records in the approval delegation application.

svcCatAdmin   Service Catalog Grants access to Service Catalog administration.
service catalog Service Catalog Enables users to request items from catalog.
svcCatDeptRequester Service Catalog Enables a department to request items from catalog.
svcCatEmployeeRequester Service Catalog Enables an employee to request items from catalog.
svcCatManagerRequester Service Catalog Enables a manager to request items from catalog.
svcCatTechRequester Service Catalog Enables a technician to request items from catalog.
svcCatRequestOnBehalf Service Catalog Enables an employee self-service (ESS) user to submit a service catalog request on behalf of another user.
SDAdmin   Service Desk Grants access to Service Desk administration.
service desk Service Desk Grants access to Service Desk.
data administrator   Service Desk, Incident Management Enables save, add and update on supporting tables from within Service Management and Incident Management.
user   User Grants basic access to an end user but does not grant the ability to add, delete, or reset.